How Long Does It Take for CBD to Work?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is being used by many people (and pets) for various conditions including anxiety, insomnia, pain, inflammation, and more. Some users notice immediate results while others notice a subtle, continuous improvement of symptoms over time. When clients begin a new journey with CBD, one of the first questions is usually, “When will I notice it working?” The answer is, “It depends on many factors.” Let’s break it down a bit.


Time to efficacy will depend on why you are using CBD. Sometimes the effects can happen quickly for certain conditions. Often clients experiencing insomnia will notice a fairly quick response from taking/using CBD in the evening before bedtime. Many find improved sleep from the very first dose. If CBD is used at a larger dose before a stressful, anxiety-ridden activity (i.e., such as giving a presentation), efficacy can be felt within a few hours of taking CBD. In contrast, if CBD is being used for chronic, generalized anxiety, the improvement of symptoms can be most noticeable after a period of 6-8 weeks. Even more improvement in mood can continue being seen with consistent daily usage.

When it is used for chronic pain, there are varying results in how much time CBD takes to work. The severity and root cause of pain can play a role in how soon the benefits will be felt. Minor pain that happens from an acute incident (i.e., recent injury, more superficial pain) can often experience quicker relief than more chronic, more severe injuries that involve inflammation. The latter may find some immediate pain relief but will notice even more improvement with ongoing consistent dosing over time. When swelling and inflammation are the root causes of severe pain, a longer time may be needed to see decreases in pain. Longer consistent use of CBD allows the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD to concentrate deeper into tissues, slowly decreasing inflammation, and allowing for even more improvement in pain over time.


The formulation of CBD used is another factor in how quickly results will be experienced. Smoking CBD flower or vaping CBD oil is one of the fastest methods for efficacy. The lungs provide a direct route to the bloodstream. The effects of inhaled CBD can be felt within a few minutes of inhaling and can last for about an hour or so. Topical application of CBD through lotions/creams/oils also provides more immediate relief. These topical products can be applied directly to a painful area for a localized effect that occurs quickly and can last for hours.

Oral administration of CBD can be variable. When CBD is swallowed, it enters the digestive system and is broken down by the liver (known as “first-pass metabolism”). The liver metabolizes the CBD so that only a portion of it reaches the bloodstream to be effective. Gel caps/capsules/tablets will have the least bioavailability. CBD tincture/oil can be applied under the tongue before swallowing. This unique quality of CBD oil provides a small opportunity for some amount of CBD to be delivered directly to the bloodstream through the blood vessels located under the tongue. Then when swallowed, the oil can be digested for more absorption and effect. Gummies and other edibles spend a small amount of time in the oral cavity to allow for minimal buccal/oral absorption before being swallowed and digested. Oral products can show efficacy peaking at 2.5 to 5 hours with continued use.

The good news is that the half-life of CBD is approximately 60 hours with continuous daily dosing. This means that with continuous use, the effects of oral CBD will be felt consistently with twice daily dosing.


One of the key factors in how well CBD will work is to take it in the most effective way. To get the most from oral CBD, it should be taken with food. Fatty food is best with CBD since it is very fat-soluble. Taking CBD with a high-fat, high-calorie meal increases the effect of CBD 4- to 5-fold compared to taking it on an empty stomach. If you take CBD with a low-fat, low-calorie meal the effects are improved by only 3- to 4-fold compared to an empty stomach. Bottom line: the more fat in your meal/snack, the better CBD is absorbed and the better it works to provide relief. If taken on an empty stomach, the effects will be much more limited.

As mentioned above, the overall effects of CBD will be different if taken short-term vs long-term. If taken at an effective dose on a daily basis, this consistent administration will allow time for changes in the body that will show continuous and broad benefits vs taking it on an “as needed” basis.


The dose of CBD can also play a role in how well it works. How well CBD is absorbed and how quickly it leaves the body can be different for each individual. Since CBD loves to remain in fatty tissue, the body’s composition can play a role in how big or small dosing needs to be for each individual. Everyone’s metabolism (breaking down) of CBD can be different, which can also affect the dose needed to find the best effect.

Summary: it is best to work with a clinical professional such as a CBD pharmacist to safely find the best dosing for you specifically.


CBD provides relief to many people. It can aid in relaxation, soothe sore muscles and joints, decrease inflammation, and provide more restful sleep. When it comes to how much time CBD takes to work, it all depends. How quickly and how well it works for you can be different depending on the dosage form, the dose, the reason for use, the severity of the issue, your body type, and how you take it. Seek out expert guidance and advice to get the most from your CBD. Working with a CBD expert can greatly improve the chance that you will find quick and effective relief with CBD.       

Dr Heather is a Clinical Pharmacist, CBD consultant, and CBD provider. You can reach out to her here:





