Can CBD Cause a Positive Drug Test?

scientist looking at test tubes of CBD for a drug test

CBD is becoming a common natural option for many conditions. It can decrease stress and anxiety. It improves the quality and length of sleep. And can decrease inflammation and muscle/joint discomfort. As we learn more about the benefits of CBD, many people are turning to CBD as a more natural remedy versus taking a prescription medication. One hesitation for using CBD is the concern with drug testing. “Can CBD cause a positive drug test?” The answer is, “It depends.” It really depends on the type of CBD that you use. CBD is sold in three different types/classes.

Isolate CBD is just that. In the manufacturing of Isolate CBD, precautions are taken to remove all of the hemp plant materials to only retain isolate CBD. No other cannabinoids are contained in Isolate CBD. Since drug tests are sensitive to THC, another cannabinoid in the cannabis/hemp plant, Isolate CBD should NOT cause a positive drug test result.

The second type of CBD is called Full Spectrum CBD. When a product is labeled “Full Spectrum” that means that they use ALL of the plant material, including many various cannabinoids and terpenes. Even though Full Spectrum CBD will contain mostly CBD, it provides an entourage effect with all of the other trace cannabinoids and terpenes working together to create a fuller, synergistic effect. Oftentimes when someone does not find relief with isolate CBD, a full spectrum product is a great next step. The important thing to remember with Full Spectrum CBD is that it can contain THC. It can only contain less than 0.3 percent THC to be legally labeled CBD. This is not usually enough to cause any “high” or heady feeling, but Full Spectrum CBD may be enough to cause a positive drug test.

Broad Spectrum CBD is a good intermediary between the two. To create a broad-spectrum CBD product, the manufacturer uses all of the plant material (cannabinoids and terpenes), with one slight variation; they take time to remove any THC. Broad-spectrum CBD provides the great benefits of having all of the cannabinoids working together for a fuller effect, without the risk of a positive drug test for THC.

Understanding the different types of CBD products is important in choosing the one that is right for you. If you are concerned about drug testing, an Isolate CBD product or Broad-Spectrum CBD product may be the best choice for you. If you are not concerned with drug testing and want to jump into a CBD product with a fuller effect, then a Full Spectrum CBD product should be a great choice.

The best way to have confidence in your CBD is to review the testing of your CBD product. Every CBD product should come with a Certificate of Analysis that shows third-party testing performed on that particular lot. Oftentimes this is available through a QR code or website on the product label. Reviewing this product testing data can provide assurance that the product you are using has, or does not have, the ingredients that you expect. If you are still concerned with the risk of drug testing, find a pharmacist or health care professional that can provide guidance in finding a CBD product that you can trust.

Middle aged woman smiling

Dr Heather is a Clinical Pharmacist, CBD consultant, and CBD provider. You can reach out to her here:





