
Whole Person Care: “I help clients find naturally effective ways to help their bodies heal and decrease their dependence on prescription medications. I work to identify and address the root cause of conditions instead of merely treating the symptoms.”

Specializing in:

  • Anxiety/Stress
  • Sleep Issues
  • Gut Health
  • Pain and Inflammation
  • Menopause
  • Other Conditions

My services include:

Naturopathic Functional Medicine Consulting

  • Help you identify root causes of conditions
  • Administer testing to assess the body’s current functioning and need for supplementation
  • Recommend natural, herbal, nutritional, supplemental, and environmental options that will lead to healing
  • Support you as you gain the courage to make recommended changes
  • Hold you accountable for your own successes

Customized Supplementation: Vitamins, Herbals, Supplements

  • Which Supplements and Herbs Will Be Best for You?
  • Which Are the Safest?
  • Which Ones Are the Best Quality?
  • Will These Supplements, Herbals, and Vitamins Interact With Any of My Medications?

CBD Consulting and Products

  • Can CBD help my __________?
  • Which Type of CBD is Best for Me?
  • How Often Should I Take CBD?
  • Which Dose is Right for Me?
  • Will CBD Interact with Any of My Medications?
  • What Brand of CBD Can I Trust? (I Carry My Own CBD Brand, Shop HERE)

Medication Consulting

  • Personal Comprehensive Medication Reviews of all medications, including over-the-counter medications, herbals, and supplements
  • Herbal, Supplement, and Medication Advice and Recommendations
  • Assessments to Determine Medication Safety and Efficacy
  • Identifying Cost-Saving Opportunities

Yoga and Meditation Sessions

  • Find mental clarity and decrease stress
  • Gain more flexibilty
  • Improve your strength
  • Find the mind, body, soul connection